Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Here is our Itinerary we hope...

OK, we are now looking at less than a week to go. I know some of you wanted to know where we will be going along the way, so here is a list of the planned stops.
1st we will go to the Redding Elks, this will be our 1st night, I will get to see my son Ben while we are there.
2nd stop will be at the Valley of the Rouge River State Park in Oregon
3rd will be the Elks Club RV park in Kelso, WA which is a 320 mile trip.
4th will be the Sasquatch Prov Park in Hope, BC which is about 250 miles, now the hard part of driving is behind us, we will be driving less than 200 miles a day taking our time to enjoy the sites along the rest of the way.
5th we will be at Williams Lake, BC
6th will be Prince George, BC
7th will be Dawson Creek, Alaska, which is the start of the Alskan Hwy #1, from here it is 1500 miles to our last stop before we turn around in Fair banks, Alaska.
While we are going this 1500 miles we will stop along the way in, Pink Mountain, BC, Fort Nelson, BC, Muncho Lake, BC, Watson lake, YT, Whitehorse, YT ,Teslin, YT, Destruction Bay, YT, Tok, AK, Delta Junction, AK and finally Fairbanks Alaska!
We will be taking a different route back home I will post that later...
So keep checking for the newest info of our adventure.


  1. lil- but 6 weeks!! are you sure the trailer is big enough for both of you. have fun dick

  2. Alaska or Bust! Ooops,check that. Have fun!!!!

  3. Are you sure we can't come with you! We will hide in the Bathroom.

  4. Wow! What a journey in God's country. Enjoy and be with Him.

  5. I am so excited for you!! (and jealous! ;) Have fun

  6. Just got your email update. You guys have been busy!! So glad you are having a blast and keep the updates coming! Angels keep you safe )"( Mary


Thank you for joining us on this journey.