Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day on the Chena River Kayaking

The Riverboat Discovery II

Yesterday we forgot to mention that we took a Riverboat Cruise down the Chena River.
Today we Kayaked it.
We also learned that Kayaking is not as easy as it looks, after the 7 miles we went in 3 hours, we won"t be buying any kayaks any time soon.
Resting the rest of the night our arms hurt.

1 comment:

  1. You are really enjoying some beautiful scenery. How are the campgrounds? We just came from our family camping weekend. Not quite the same as with you; 6 grandkids made for more work than leisure! Our next trip is with Mama from Florida. Heading toward the ocean. Keep those pics coming; we are with you in spirit and look forward to your blog. Be safe. Love ya, Bob & Kathy


Thank you for joining us on this journey.